How to Move Your Pots and Pans to the Ceiling Without Sacrificing Your Décor

Kitchens never seem to have enough storage, especially with pots and pans taking up so much room. In recent years, though, homeowners have realized they don’t have to store their pots and pans in a cabinet or a drawer under the oven. Instead, they can hang cookware from the ceiling. If you need a pan for dinner, just reach up and grab one. They’re always within reach while leaving your kitchen storage spaces free for other items.

cluttered pots and pans

But how do you create a ceiling-mounted storage item while still keeping your décor attractive? Depending on the look you’re going for, there are a variety of options available, some of which you can even do yourself at minimal expense. Here are some cookware storage ideas to free up space in your kitchen while creating a unique look.

Pans hanging above a kitchen counter

Ladder Pot Rack

If your home has a slightly rustic style, ladder pot racks are an easily-affordable way to store pots and pans when they aren’t in use. The looks range from this chain-suspended ladder that provides basket storage above to this more subtle option located closer to the ceiling. You can even place the ladder at floor level if you’d prefer to keep your pans on an unused wall. The best part about a ladder pot rack is that you can choose a ladder with a wood style that fits your taste and even intersperse plants and other items to add to its visual appeal.

copper pans hanging from a rack

Window-Based Pot Racks

You don’t have to suspend your pots and pans above the center of the room to make this look work. This decorative rack idea places cookware in front of a window, leaving the rest of the ceiling open. However, if you have a window that overlooks a beautiful view, you may not want to block it with your pots and pans this way.

pots and pans hanging by a window

Above-Island Pot Racks

If your kitchen has an island, this will likely be the best location for your pot rack, since it lends to the logical flow of the room. There are many rack options available for purchase, with a range of designs that allows you to choose one that matches your own unique kitchen style. If you’re feeling enterprising, you can even create a DIY version using an old window or bicycle wheel.

pots and pans hanging above an island


One fun design trend that is appearing in kitchens across the country is the pegboard pan organizer. This puts your pots and pans on your wall instead of your ceiling but the best part is, you can choose a pegboard that matches your décor. This look will likely match older kitchens more than contemporary ones, since it tends to give a kitchen more of a 50s feel.

Homeowners are always looking for unique storage ideas and ceiling racks are a great way to improve your look while incorporating storage space. There are a wide variety of options to match your home’s décor, from DIY rustic looks to contemporary store-bought racks in your material of choice.