6 Ways to Beat the Heat During Your Back Yard Parties This Summer

In most of the nation, the summer months bring brutal heat. While most people associate summertime with outdoor grilling and trips to the city park, the truth is that it’s simply too hot to enjoy being outside for long. Unfortunately, summer is the most popular season for outdoor get togethers, since kids are out of school and relatives tend to travel cross-country to see each other.

If you’re like many people, you probably want to invite your friends, neighbors, or relatives over for a party this summer. Without a pool, though, it can be difficult to keep everyone cool, even if you wait until the sun goes down. Here are six ways to keep your guests cool while they’re hanging out in your back yard.

Stay Hydrated


Dehydration is one of the biggest health dangers when the temperature gets high. Because your guests will be sweating, they’ll need to replenish with non-caffeinated beverages like water, lemonade, and decaffeinated tea. This is especially true if your guests will be indulging in alcohol throughout the event.

Utilize Shady Areas

shady backyard

If your event is happening during the daytime hours, try to keep your guests out of direct sunlight. Utilize every square inch of space on covered patios and under trees and overhangs to set up tables and chairs, giving your guests a slightly cooler place to sit.

Rent a Tent


No matter what time of day your event is being held, a tent can make a big difference. This is especially true if you set up tent air conditioners inside. In addition to being cooler, a tent will help keep bugs away from guests, making the experience more pleasant for everyone.

Set Up Fans


Some stay away from fans in hot areas, believing it merely blows the warm air around. However, it does make a small difference, especially in humid environments. Moving air can feel eight degrees cooler than stagnant air. Additionally, a fan will help keep bugs away.

Provide Mist Bottles

spray bottle

For a special treat, fill up mist bottles with ice water and hand them out to guests. They’ll get a kick out of spraying themselves and each other and you’ll help keep everyone cool. In the absence of misters, hand out cold towels periodically to allow everyone to cool down.

Serve Cold Food

ice cream

What we consume lowers our internal temperature, helping you feel cooler on even the warmest days. Incorporate foods like chilled fruit and ice cream-based dessert. You could even hook up an ice cream maker and enjoy homemade ice cream. If you’re serving hot foods, be sure you include some cold sides like salads and coleslaw.

Summertime is the prime time to host a back yard party. However, the extremely hot temperatures make it difficult to keep guests comfortable. By preparing to keep guests as cool as you possibly can, you’ll ensure your guests will be able to enjoy the party. You’ll also avoid partygoers cutting out early to go home and spend the rest of the day in an air-conditioned room.