Easy Ways to Get to Know Your Neighbors

Everyone is super busy these days, and often this can interfere with connecting with others on a regular basis. This is especially true in the big city, where people are consistently moving in and out of neighborhoods.

It’s been well-documented that the well-being of people is higher among those who regularly contact and connect with their neighbors. Just the simple act of greeting another person is enough to positively impact our sense of happiness and security when it comes to where we live.

Knowing people who live nearby develops a sense of belonging, strengthens our connections within our local communities, and creates a generally happier neighborhood for all who live within it. Becoming acquaintances with the neighbors can be very advantageous, both from an emotional and logistical standpoint. It’s wonderful to feel like you’re part of a community, and not feel like a stranger in your own street. You never know – you just might need to call upon your neighbors when you need some help.

Whether you’ve just moved into a new area, or have a new neighbor that just moved in next door, it’s worth it to make the effort to get to know those who make up your community landscape. Here are a few suggestions on how to do it.

Let Your Furry Friend Help Break the Ice

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Certain things connect people with each other, and that includes the love of animals. If you’ve got a four-legged pal, use your outings as an opportunity to meet the locals. Whether you take your pet for a stroll along the neighborhood streets, or congregate at the park, meeting fellow pet owners is easy. Get some recommendations for trails, parks, veterinarians, and even pet-themed meet-ups that happen in the area.

Meet at School Bus Stops

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Much like pets, school-aged children can help you meet other parents in the area. If your children take the bus to school, you’re obviously going to accompany them to the bus stop. Use this opportunity to chat it up with other moms and dads in the neighborhood. Most likely they’ll be happy to keep you up to speed on the community and the goings-on at school. Parents love to talk about their children, so the odds of there being awkward moments of silence are pretty slim.

Hang Out on Your Front Porch

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Spend a few minutes each day hanging out on your front porch. You’d be surprised at how many opportunities you’ll have to say hello to passersby. And it doesn’t have to seem creepy, either. Enjoy a magazine or book, sip on a glass of wine or mug of coffee, or even water the flowers as an excuse to linger in the front yard. Being out and about can easily lead to communications with those who are walking by.

Volunteer Your Time

If there is a specific cause that’s close to your heart, get involved – it’s one of the best ways to get to know people that live in your community, especially those who have similar interests and values as you do. Besides, it always feels good to spend extra time helping those in need.

Join a Local Yoga Class

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Pay attention the next time you’re at the local park – are there any yoga, pilates, or boot camp classes going on? If so, consider joining the group. Not only is this an easy way to meet folks, it’ll even get you into shape!

Become a Regular at Various Spots

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Whether there’s a local coffee shop, nail salon, gym, or even a laundromat, start going there frequently. You’ll soon notice the same people over and over, which makes it a lot easier to introduce yourself. Say ‘hello’ to the same face a few times, and it will become increasingly more comfortable and natural to strike up a more lengthy conversation.

Start a Local Group

If you like books, running, or any other activity, consider starting your own local group that meets up on a regular basis. You’ll not only meet lots of people all at once, but you’ll also find some common ground with those you live near. You can either canvas the neighborhood by foot, or even use sites like MeetUp.com or Facebook’s graph search feature to find people who might want to join. And if you discover that a group of this nature already exists in your neighborhood, be sure to join it!

You might have a ton of friends already, but how many people do you actually know that live in your immediate area? The benefits of getting to know your neighbors are vast, so do yourself a favor and get out there and mingle.